• Bible Verse of the Day

    Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.


If you would like to book a wedding in St John’s Cullingworth, we will arrange to meet to discuss the date you require and confirm that you are eligible. We shall be delighted to help you to arrange a wonderful wedding!

St John’s provides that traditional feel with big stone arches and stone pillars creating an atmosphere that is awe inspiring but intimate in which you have a real sense that your friends and family are with you as you make your vows to one another. Our church reflects something of God’s nature – his transcendence and his imminence. In other words the God we worship is both beyond us and with us – and our building reflects something of his nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to be married in the Parish Church?

One of you will need to qualify using one of the following five criteria:-
1. One of you, or your parents, is resident in this parish, or on the electoral role, or
2. One of you was baptised or prepared for confirmation in this parish, or
3. One of you, or your parents, has at any time lived in this parish for 6 months or more, or
4. One of you, or your parents has attended one of our parish churches for 6 months, or
5. One of your parents or grandparents was married in one of our parish churches, or
6. You can qualify by attending Sunday worship with us over a 6 month period.

Do I have to believe in God?

You are welcome to marry in the Church of England whatever your beliefs, whether or not you are christened and regardless of whether you go to church or not. It is your church, and we welcome you!

What if one of us is divorced?

We are required to ask some questions concerning the circumstances but in most cases it is not a problem, so please do speak to Suzy and she will talk it through with you in relation to your individual situation.

What will it cost?

The fees for church weddings are set nationally and change every year, there are also variations depending upon exactly what you require. At present a church wedding would cost between £600 and £700.

To book your Wedding please get in touch with Revd Richard Burge at 01535 273758 or email, or our administrator Helen Ludkin at 07788 848830 or beneficehwcd@gmail.com with your enquirers about weddings, or for further information, please visit the Church of England Wedding site.


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