• Bible Verse of the Day

    To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.


Giving helps the Jesus in us to spread God’s Love.

You may give in one of the following ways to help with Church funds.

Church Finances: Please can you support St John’s with your continued giving, It is important that we can pay our bills and our Share to the Diocese. We rely on the generosity of our congregation and the village. If you do not usually give your offerings electronically, please consider as it would help our cash flow. Thank you.

Give a Little

Please Give a little using this link or scan the QR Code below.

Give Monthly

The most convenient way to give regularly is by standing order, or you can also donate using the following details St John the Evangelist PCC Culling  Account 60703532 sortcode 20-45-14 or
You can request a standing order form.
Please include your name as a reference

These can be cancelled any time.

Give on Sundays

You may prefer to give during one of our main services by filling out an envelope and placing it in one of the offering containers.

Parish Giving Scheme

Support St John’s by making a donation through this Church of England scheme using a Direct Debit. This can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. See parishgiving.org.uk search for Cullingworth to join. This is easy and quick to use and if you use the monthly scheme is an ideal way to support the work of the church in our village.

Gift Aid It

If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim 25p back from HM Revenue & Customs. You will find details of how to set this up on our giving envelopes

Easy Fund Raising

If you register with easyfundraising.org.uk and state your cause as Cullingworth St. John the Evangelist you can?then link to many shops. We at Church will automatically receive a small % of what?you spend at no extra cost.

Smarties Boxes

Smarties-UK-Box-SmallSmarties?boxes are a great way to encourage children or the child in you, to give to the Church. These are available from Debbie and will take your spare 20p coins to assist church?funds.

Food Bank

Support the Food Bank, food can be placed in the box either in the choir room or in the Cullingworth Coop. The goods will be collated and distributed out. More and more people are using this service, so any support is much appreciated.


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