• Bible Verse of the Day

    To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.

Events and Services


Holy Communion

We have a service of Holy communion on the first, second, third and fourth Sunday at 9.30am.

On the fifth Sunday we have a Benefice Service of held at one of our Benefice Churches at 10.30 am.

On the fourth Sundy of each month we hold a Book of Common Prayer Communion service at 6 pm

Messy Church

Our Messy Churcgh Service is held on the Third Sunday of the month at 15.45 pm. This is a very informal service of fun , craft, stories, play and food, ideal for all in the family from two years of age to ninty three! Ideal if you find the 9.30 am service too early.


Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at 10 am we hold a service of Holy Communion in the St John’ Room. This is followed by coffee and a social time.

Story Time

Every Second Wednesday of the month at 2 pm in the St John’s Room we hold a Story Time for all pre-school children. There will be a story and refreshments and books are available to be borrowed to take home from our picture story library.

Our services each day on Facebook or the HWDC Benefice YouTube channel

Daily Office – Monday to Friday

We have Morning Prayer live at 8 am, Evening Prayer live at 5 pm and Night Prayer live at 9 pm.

If you miss any of these services they are recorded so you can watch at a time to suit you.


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